Uplevel Your Constellations Work with Systemic Organizational Methods
We invite you to an Organizational Constellations Mastermind series, a peer-led study and practice group.
Organizational Constellations explores dynamics of business and leadership with an emphasis on organizational structure and design, career opportunities, business decision making, envision strategic approaches, and clear blocks on money and success.
This Mastermind is designed to create a peer-led learning environment with like-minded professionals. We will focus on practice, explore, and implementation of Organizational Constellations. This is open to anyone with a foundational background & training in Constellations with an interest in exploring Organizational Constellations. During the Mastermind, we will utilize books/articles, demos, and participant practice sessions.
The Mastermind is a comprehensive overview focused on Organizational Constellations. The topics include (Dates are tentative, all times are EASTERN Time):
· Module 1: What is Organizational Constellations? (Aug 15, 7pm)
· Module 2: Setting up an Organizational Constellation (Sept 11, 7pm)
· Module 3: Organizational Elements & Business Structure (Oct 18, 8pm)
· Module 4: Best Practices: Organizational Constellations (Nov 1, 7pm)
· Module 5: Facilitation: The Inner Experience of OC Facilitator (Dec 11, 7pm)
· Module 6: Q/A: Mastermind Organizational Constellation (Dec 18, 7pm)
Six-Month Mastermind: (Starting Aug 15th, 2018, 7pm EST): This Mastermind will deepen your learning about Organizational Constellations. This program is ideal for you, if you want to implement Organizational Methods in your practice and increase your knowledge and confidence of the Organizational Field. (Note: This is not intended to teach the theory or practice of Organizational Constellations.)